Thursday, January 12, 2012

I know I publish maybe once a year if that because I think I missed 2011 well its 2012 and hear I am discussing my business all over the web even though I haven't had anyone (at least I don't think) read my blog ;well anyway 2011 I did do some self improving like I bought myself a car and learned how to drive it even though I have not taken the road test I can drive the vehicle and the fear that was holding me back is not as apparent anymore the thing that has scared me from further completing my goal is the winter snow and ice wish we have had none of and its mid January I still have until September when I will be 30 to drive on the permit so I plan to have take the road test so that I can start my 30s off on a good foot.
On another note recently my father as come back into my life after 20 years it feels weird trying to have a relationship with someone that you knew of but didn't know Its hard for me to know where to start but I make a effort because he does and its been kind of nice talking with him.I have no hard feelings because I know that it must have been hard for him but it was hard for us too I just don't want to continue to dwell on the past and never get to the future that I can have with my dad.

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