Tuesday, February 4, 2014

      Hi Everyone, I guess this is the usual for me, popping in once a year to give an update but what happen was,LOL I am not going to gas you up with all my excuses but I will fill you in on what my life been like and what I've been up too.
       So that last post I mentioned I learned to drive but hadn't taken the road test well guess what shortly after that I did take the test and past what was the fuss about I don't know but I do know fear can keep you imprisoned and paralyze you from even trying. ya'll i've been driving now for two years now and I am so happy I can't even tell you I have since then bought two cars.
       I also said my father was back in my life too well that was that I guess he tried. You probably have gathered by that statement that he is no where around well he's not. He was doing really well by calling me checking on me through FB but it's been a minute since even that.What I didn't mention is my daddy is a drug addict and has chosen drugs over me and my sisters since we were children and nothing changed I guess he is and always will be that drug addict that and not my father. Don't cry for me though I'm you to it and had already figured thats how it was going to stay when he told me he was still using ( but really though dad still using after 30+ years and thats just the time I remember; when will you ever get it together?) While sitting at the dinner table (my hopes were crushed).

      2013 was better for me I can't remember all the deets but I lost my job (why was that a good thing,you ask) after working for the company 8 years and helping with their bottom line I was able to work on me and I did by getting my GED. Many may say how were they the problem, they wasn't but when you have children your priorities are all about them and not you.I was always thinking about getting money to make sure bills was paid thats all and everything else was a "I'm going to" and then 10+ years pass and you still haven't.

      My marriage seemed to be getting better my husband found reliable work and we were getting closer I finally changed my last name after been married for 5 years,OOPS! and we both flew in a plan for the first time and went on a trip to Vegas that was fun.

 My eldest son graduated; so now I have a high schooler but at the same time he's losing his mind. Oh yea; I cut all my hair off and did some modeling for the first time too.

Welp, I guess I've filled you in on all of what's happening but this year (2014) I will be chatting with you girls/guys regularly and talking about all sorts of craziness that's happening I have to catch you up. First I have to update that old ass picture thats been up.

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