Sunday, February 9, 2014

Lazy Day

    Have you ever had that day when all you wanted to do was stay in the bed?Well we often feel like that but, how often do we actually do it? I actually did it y'all; I stayed in bed all damn day today literally.I didn't go to sleep until about 4am but I didn't get out of the bed besides having to pee once till 6pm and it felt good.Sorry to my children and husband but you guys are sufficient enough to find a fix yourself something to eat.That's the one thing good about having older children they don't really bother you unless they want money they basically do everything on their own and ("you better look out for your younger sister").
 When I did finally get up my husband ran and got pizza for dinner because he knew better than to ask me to cook and I got right back to my wifely duties some of those duties is probably what had me so lazy in the first place if you know what I'm saying. LOL TMI. Ya ll know its Sunday gotta get those kids ready for school so I also washed uniforms and combed hair tonight.

Whelp, that was my day;how was yours? leave a comment in the comment section down below letting me know how you spend your lazy days.

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