Wednesday, February 5, 2014

    Can you believe it; I am actually following up with a second post this week, man I'm on a roll.  This week been cray cray for starters because I'm a stay at home mom now, I actually fill like I'm doing more work then when I worked out side the home. I don't know who out there can related but leave me a comment if you feel or felt like this before, that men get off easy if they go off to work or if their  a stay at home daddy. Them Ninjas have it good all the way around. What I mean by that is, before I lost my job my husband stayed at home and he did all the domestic things so I thought and I went to work and still had to come on and do homework,run all the errands,do hair,do him and etc. I don't get to sit down sometimes unless i'm eating and sometimes I don't do that until dinner (is that why I'm fat? hmm?) Now that he works I do the domestic stuff plus all the other things and he comes home a eats and go to sleep WTF. I thought this stay at home thing was going to be what I thought I thought it was. I'm tired as hell ya'll;whats a girl to do?

    This week though it started off like it always do in the morning with a bunch of bickering between the kids and then my interference when I'm about to take somebodies head off had an interesting twist to what was causing the beef in our morning routine. This particular day(a Tuesday) was no difference so I thought.  I hear bickering and wrestling in the hall way I go to get up and my baby girl meets me at the door and says mommy look what dukes doing he's combing his hair with a razor,ya'll know that razor you use when adding layers to your weave (yea you know) yea that one, this lil Ninja is in there combing his hair with a got damn razor comb I could've shat myself LOL. My baby boy has some of the darkest and thick hair a boy could have ;and he in there thinkin he doin something by using that damn thing and he fucking his head up; OH BOY!; but I wasn't even made if you knew my son you wouldn't have been either thata learn'em.  The bad part about it is, like ten minutes before he got caught combing the shit out his head with the razor he came in my room and asked me if it looked like he was going balled or had some patches,I thought nothing of it cause you know kids they say the darnedest stuff; and if you know my son he always do; Whelp! now he walking around with a verrry thin patch of hair missing at the top of his head,bet that'll teach him.

That being said sometimes your children have to learn lessons for themselves and sometimes when your kid is saying something you may think is off the wall; pay attention,you don't know what you can prevent them from doing.
  (I would've took a pic and posted it but I didn't want to embarrass him any further; you know this stuff on the internet never goes away.)

  This week is busy for me and here comes the damn snow tryin to f up my flow
;but I won't let it; NOPE! cause I won some tickets off the radio to see an "advanced viewing of About Last Night" for Thursday and I'm taking my daughter to see Sesame Street so I'm excited about that; I'll tell ya"ll all about it Friday; Deuces!


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