Saturday, February 15, 2014

I'm My Husbands Side Chick

Hey y'all, Happy Belated Valentine's Day! What did Everyone do yesterday? I didn't do much and not because there was no plans I just wasn't feeling it. After being with the same man collectively 12.5 years married for 7 in March I don't need or want anything but to be showed  loved on a constant basis and not just once a year on Valentines.

 On that morning my husbands says go get your haircut and get you something new to wear. I said to myself what the hell he got planned he usually have nothing figured out but I guess after several years of complaining he's got the hint, now after years of unfulfilled expectations I don't expect shit or want to do shit but lay down after a long day of running around;what's a girl to do?

 I did take him up on getting my haircut,didn't like how it turned out and I went and bought me a dress,camera and a Drakes Cd;I just got happy with it,spending money is my favorite thing to do.
See he knows; I'm that girl that if he hadn't did anything then I would have bitched and moaned but really I know the deal. My husband does all year round for me and ours I really have no complaints when it comes to how he provides.

After going back in forth about if we are going out we just end up getting rentals,pizza and fried chicken;who says you need to get dressed up and go to an overpriced and crowded restaurant to have a good night on Valentines Day;However we are going out tonight and I'm going to be the Side Chick tonight;yall know the Side Chick gets the day after Valentine's not the actual holiday and I'm ok with that.

Remember ladies/Gents It's not what he/she does one day a year that matters It's what's done the other 364 days of the year that counts and sometimes I have to remember that too and not put so much pressure on the small things. To all the Side Chicks today's your day.Happy Side Chick Day!

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